Yes, FreeRadius could be a solution, but I don't want to expend 2 or
more weeks learning how to get the best from the software and how to
integrate it in the network without problems.

In the other hand, Radiator looks to be great too. The paid support
behind gives me some relax. I dont need to put focus of software bugs,
integration problems -if it is supported, it must work- and all those

The global idea is to cover the technical goals, as well, very small
time to deploy it and put it into production.
If freeradius installation+configuration+tuning+web ui+read the oreilly
book is more than 2 weeks... it is not acceptable for me -we don't have
free physical time for that-, we will go for radiator. And, maybe in the
future we could move to freeradius doing previously a proof of concept.

For me, right now, I think it could be faster -with the same features
and results- the Radiator solution. But as I told in my first email I am
still doing a research to take the best decision :D

El jue, 21-01-2010 a las 13:40 +0100, Frederic LOUI escribió:
> Hi Luismi,
> Freeradius is a good alternative and can be used to cover all the needs 
> you mentioned.
> Coupled with openldap, you can benefit from having all the LDAP 
> Directory GUI for user creation.
> In addition, you can use MySQL backend for accounting purposes.
> As far as I could find, Freeradius is very popular so that's the reason 
> why we decided to go for it.
> Finally, the whole solution can run on LINUX. Netherveless, I agree with 
> you that the learning curve is quite difficult.
> And the documentation is quite "sparse" so that makes things more 
> difficuklt to grasp.
> But the time spent on learning the worth the result.
> Hope this helps,
> Cheers,

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