On Thu, 17 Jun 2010, Jay Hennigan wrote:
Raise your hand if you, like me, just entered "Jason Mishka Bluecat" or similar into your favorite search engine and had never read or had long forgotten the five-month-old original post.

*hand raised*  :)

I do wonder if it's a competitor who is being very smart about trying to *dis*courage people from going with Blue Cat.. any vendor that will actually whine at you for writing truthful posts about their gear isn't going to get my business. IMHO if a vendor sees something I post and then asks how they can help, it'd greatly increase my chances of working with them again, and if they do a good job, would likely result in an update to the original message saying what the current state is.

Heck, Jason's message was even in reply to someone asking about their experiences with Bluecat!

If a vendor asked me to retract a statement like the one Jason posted (which is quite reasonable, not libelous or anything), I'd be announcing the fact that they *requested* a retraction wide and far.. ;)
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