Is there any command inside the switch to determine a possible packet loss?, more than the error counters under "sh int", I am curious about the ASIC values and buffer issues.

El 22/06/10 10:53, Peter Rathlev escribió:
On Fri, 2010-06-18 at 18:34 +0200, Sascha Pollok wrote:
Any idea how the EOSed 2970 performs in terms of buffers and
bursts? I have some of those in stock and wondering where to
put them next.
I just tested with a 2970 and it had no problems pushing 11+ MB/s when
transferring a 6 GB VirtualBox disk image. So it seems it does not have
the buffering problems of the 2960/3560/3750 family.

I tested between Gi0/1 and Gi0/3, so on the same ASIC. The switch was
with a blank configuration, except for "speed auto 100" on one interface
(Gi0/1). The software was 12.2(25)SEC2 LAN Base, but I don't think that
matters too much. It had 83 dropped packets from ~5 million packets.

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