Nice to see that I am not alone with problems at
I can't understand how is possible to make so ticket website so bad.

El 09/07/10 14:47, Phil Mayers escribió:
On 09/07/10 12:39, LM wrote:
Well, first of all sorry if this email is considered an off-topic subject.
In the other hand I can't see a better place to talk about this.

I use ubuntu 10.04 64bits, firefox 3.6.6 and java 6.20.

I enter at to manage the SRs and when I entered in one
of them the firefox lauchs java because the Cisco guys configured
something in the background to work with java (upload file form as an

So, my questions to share here...
Is there anyone here having the same problems? or at least similar?

Yes, I get exactly the same thing. "Java: write once, crash anywhere"

I've given up on Cisco's website, and will be telling them that when we move our business to another vendor.
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