I'm a little annoyed by their stance though.  I just want them to make a
recommendation that I can use instead of trying to fill my head with
marketing nonsense.  They certainly will not refund my money if I make the
wrong decision.  Even with the 2800 series, they made the recommendation but
buried it on the Q&A page.  Those numbers weren't even worse case, those
were the recommended uses.  Thanks for the docs though.


On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 5:35 AM, Stephen Stack

> Heyho,
> Ran into some issues around this not too long ago.
> I spoke to my local SE at the time about it, and his line
> Was basically - what the marketing bumff says - stands!!!
> i.e. in my case, a Cisco 2951 was rated for 75Mbps
> If you turn on all the services - this may be the case - but who does
> that???
> (recently listened to a podcast where Cisco where saying that there are
> over
> 4000 separate services in IOS)
> I gave him my requirements of Ethernet-Ethernet connectivity with some
> static routing and with some HQOS (shaping)
> The stats he gave me back from their internal testing was much higher
> that 75 Mbps.
> Cisco, being the engineering company they are, need to divulge much
> better
> Information and more real world stats than marketing figures to help
> Out us lowly engineers in the field when making decisions on kit.
> I found some information for you to make some informed decisions.
> Try this URL for some Math on ISR G1
> https://supportforums.cisco.com/message/714842#714842
> And this for Cisco Internal figures on ISR G2s
> "Ask your Cisco partner to give you access to the following document:
> http://www.cisco.com/en/US/partner/prod/collateral/routers/ps10536/white
> _paper_c11_595485.pdf
> Since that is proprietary information, I'm not allowed to post it here."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cisco-nsp-boun...@puck.nether.net
> [mailto:cisco-nsp-boun...@puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Keegan Holley
> Sent: 27 September 2010 06:07
> To: Cisco NSPs
> Subject: [c-nsp] ISR G2 performance
> Do these numbers seem a little off to anyone else?  I'm shopping again
> and
> I'm trying to compare the ISR G2's with the mainstay 3845 for a DS3
> site.
>  As usual it has been hard to find performance numbers on cisco.com.
> Soon
> I'm expecting routers that walk into the DC and install themselves only
> to
> perform at 3Mbps, but I digress...  A little googling brought me the
> following link, but the numbers seem a little suspect.  For example the
> entire 2800 series is rated above 45M in the document, but the product
> Q&A
> recommends the 2851 just to aggregate 6 T1's.  The pages for the modules
> are
> no less misleading.  Is there a way to find performance metrics for
> these
> routers stated in plain terms?
> http://www.cisco.com/web/partners/downloads/765/tools/quickreference/rou
> terperformance.pdf
> http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/routers/ps5854/prod_qas0900ae
> cd80169bd6.html
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