

                I'm running into some issues with SPAN session limitations
on 6500 (SXI on a VSS pair).  After reading this doc:


I'm lead to believe that if I make the destination interface a trunk, a span
source of say VLANs 10 and 20 will leave the destination port with those
VLAN tags intact.  This appears to match the 'encapsulation replicate' that
is present on the 3560s.  My end goal is to use 2 3560 switches off of the
6500s to distribute SPAN sessions to 4 separate entities.  Switch A will get
a SPAN session off of the 6500 consisting of VLAN groups X and Y.  Switch B
will get a SPAN session off of the 6500 consisting of VLAN groups X and Z.
Switch A will span VLAN group X to a certain destination port, and group Y
to another.  Switch B will do a similar thing with VLAN groups X and Z.  I'm
assuming normal local SPAN.  I think the relies on the SPAN off of the 6500
to keep the VLAN tags intact.  Can anyone confirm if my assumption is






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