Hello list,

We recently did a forklift upgrade of a 6509 from a SUP2 unit to a SUP720-3B 
box. At the same time I also plunked over a few VRFs which had been living on 
an external router due to lack of VRF support on the SUP2s. To my surprise one 
of the moved customers reported lack of Internet connectivity (VPN was fine - 
they collocate a firewall) at sites hanging off of the upgraded box. I 
determined that, though I thought I copied everything properly, an SVI's uRPF 
got messed up and was dropping packets from the Internet. In troubleshooting I 
added "allow-default" to the "ip verify ..." line on the SVI and it worked. 
Being connected to an internal VLAN that peers with other switches in that VPN 
(we're not MPLS yet) where all other ingress traffic is filtered I figured it 
was a redundant step so removed the line completely.

Well, this afternoon I saw RANCID email me a list of changes from that box. 
Every single SVI that used to have some incantation of uRPF now have "ip verify 
unicast source reachable-via rx allow-default allow-self-ping" on them. 
Explains how the "allow-default" got removed in the first place; the next SVI I 
pasted in doesn't have that bit.

Has anyone seen this before? I did a couple of quick searches but my Google-fu 
is letting me down. Is there some secret that only one possible stanza for uRPF 
is allowed on this box, unless the line isn't present?

Running 12.2(33)SXI4a on SUP720-3B in a 6509.


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