Dan Letkeman <danletke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the server might be over utilized as well, because if we are
> imaging off of one server and then we tftp off of another, things are
> faster.  So that to me says that its a server problem and not a
> network problem.
> Yes we multicast as well, but sometimes the guys who do the imaging
> want to unicast instead for what ever reason.
Our guys need the same (they rarely use the multicast functionality 
although they do still need it) as we unfortunately have to use 
FreeGhost, well I guess it's better than that 'other' ghosting tool.

Anyway, I remember duct taping the problem by configuring SFQ on the 
Linux host in the egress direction to stop the unicast NFS flows 
saturating the link and preventing the TFTP flows from being starved.

Not perfect, but it was good enough as a quick fix.


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: Are you a turtle?

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