Excuse me for a long delay.

I check all of my configuration on client and BR.
In my lab I have no native 6RD client so I use Windows machine with some hack.

My client is Windows7 and I use it's 6to4 adapter to emulate 6RD functionality. When I assign "real" IPv4 address to Local Area network adapter, 6to4 adapter became functional. Then delete automatic 6to4 IPv6 address (2002:....) and add new IPv6 address accordingly to 6RD rules.
Also change default 6to4 relay to my 6RD relay IPv4 address (

Tunnel 6TO4 Adapter:

  IPv6-address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 2XXX:YYYY:206:5fa::abca
  Default gateway. . . . . . . . . : 2002:c058:637f::1

My prefix-length for 6RD config in BR is 16 bit.
So, only left two octets of IPv4 address coded into 6RD IPv6 address.

I add default route for IPv6 family  via command:
netsh interface ipv6>add route ::/0 6to4 2002:0c58:637f::1
Route table looks like this:

IPv6 таблица маршрута
Активные маршруты:
Метрика   Сетевой адрес            Шлюз
13    281 ::/0                     2002:c058:637f::1
 1    306 ::1/128                  On-link
12     58 2001::/32                On-link
12    306 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:8f5:2c30:4d73:fa05/128
13   1025 2002::/16                On-link
13    281 2a02:2168:206:5fa::/64   On-link
13    281 2a02:2168:206:5fa::abca/128
12    306 fe80::/64                On-link
12    306 fe80::8f5:2c30:4d73:fa05/128
 1    306 ff00::/8                 On-link
12    306 ff00::/8                 On-link
Постоянные маршруты:
Метрика   Сетевой адрес            Шлюз
 0 4294967295 ::/0                     2002:c058:637f::1

Then I ping 2XXX:YYYY:200:800::2 address.
When I did command "deb ipv6 icmp" on ASR I see some ICMP but its did not relevant for me. Wireshark on Windows 6RD client show me that all ICMP packet envelop with right IPv4 header and successfully leaving the host. Also last interface in my network directly attached to ASR show increments on egress direction in packet filter with protocol 41 in payload as mask value when I pinging.

Harold Ritter пишет:

Just to make sure, do you have a default route on the 6rd client pointing
at the 6rd BR? Since you are pinging the ASR1k itself, could you please
run a "deb ipv6 icmp" on the ASR to see if the ICMP packets are received.


Le 11-10-14 01:57, « Ruslan Pustovoitov » <ru...@mostelekom.net> a écrit :

Hi Harold !

This is my config relevant to 6rd.
Also, I don't know how to debug packets with protocol 41 in IP payload
in ASR.
Debug in form "debug ip packet #access-list" do not working for non
software routers.

interface Loopback10
description 6RD_Relay
ip address
interface Tunnel0
no ip address
no ip redirects
ipv6 address 2XXX:YYYY:206::/128 anycast
tunnel source Loopback10
tunnel mode ipv6ip 6rd
tunnel 6rd ipv4 prefix-len 16
tunnel 6rd prefix 2XXX:YYYY:206::/48
! Incoming interface for IPv6 encapsulated in IPv4 packets
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1.531
encapsulation dot1Q 531
ip address ZZZ.ZZZ.255.210
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0.550
encapsulation dot1Q 550
ipv6 address 2XXX:YYYY:200:800::2/126
ipv6 nd ra suppress
ipv6 route 2XXX:YYYY:206::/48 Tunnel0

I try to ping 2XXX:YYYY:200:800::2
This is the local IPv6 address for ASR.

Harold Ritter пишет:

Can you provide the BR config and the address you are trying to ping.


Le 11-10-07 04:40, « Ruslan Pustovoitov » <ru...@mostelekom.net> a
écrit :

Hi all

I try to setup 6rd on asr1k accordingly to
Then I ping6 IPv6 host from client and see that IPv6 packet envelops in
IPv4 with right IPv4 destination (6rd relay IPv4 address).
This IPv4 packet seccessfully reach asr1k and nothing else. Packets
silently disappear.

The output of  "show tunnel 6rd tunnel 0Interface Tunnel0" dont show
counters info:
 Tunnel Source:
 6RD: Operational, V6 Prefix: 2YYY:ZZZZ:206::/48
      V4 Prefix, Length: 16, Value:
      V4 Suffix, Length: 0, Value:
 General Prefix: 2YYY:ZZZZ:206:637F::/64

Also, I don't see any IPv6 packet going from asr1k to IPv6 directly
connected host where I run tcpdump.
Client seccessfully pinging 6rd relay

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