
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 16:41:00, Jeff Kell wrote:
> Subject: [c-nsp] Quick (?) ASA VPN w/AD question...
> Trying to break some new ground on ASA 8.4(2) VPN configuration (quite 
> a number of
> changes....)
> Need to map AD group membership onto a group policy selection.
> (1) Previous examples are using the Cisco name "IETF-Radius-Class" to 
> map into the policy name, while 8.4(2) seems to want "Group Policy" 
> saying that replaces IETF-Radius-Class.
> (2) You can now specify a "Group Base DN" for the group membership 
> location, so I have a "OU=Groups,DC=our,DC=domain,DC=specification".
> I don't seem to be getting hits on the group membership (memberOf) on 
> any
> of:
> a) plain old group name (FOOBAR),
> b) qualified item name (CN=FOOBAR),
> c) fully-qualified group name
> (CM=FOOBAR,OU=Groups,DC=our,DC=domain,DC=specification)
> Anyone crossed this bridge and kept notes they could share?

I have a fair amount of notes on 8.4.1 and below.  I didn't see anything in the 
release notes for 8.4.2 that hinted to a change in LDAP.  Unless I'm confusing 
it with another option, the group base dn is where the search for your users 
starts.  Unless you're using DAP, the matching is still in the traditional LDAP 
map.  I've found the easiest way to find the proper groups is to start with 
login@domain.local/com/whatever and password and query a username for 
authorization.  Here's an example:

aaa-server LDAP (inside) host
 ldap-base-dn OU=Foo,DC=test,DC=local
 ldap-scope subtree
 ldap-login-password *****
 ldap-login-dn CN=ldapadmin,OU=Foo,DC=test,DC=local     (ldapadmin@test.local 
also works)
 server-type auto-detect
 ldap-attribute-map memberOf
test-fw1# debug ldap 255
debug ldap  enabled at level 255
test-fw1# show run ldap
ldap attribute-map department
ldap attribute-map memberOf
  map-name  memberOf IETF-Radius-Class
  map-value memberOf "CN=cust1-test,OU=Foo,DC=test,DC=local" cust1-test
  map-value memberOf "CN=vpn_users,OU=Foo,DC=test,DC=local" work
test-fw1# test aaa autho LDAP host username rwest
INFO: Attempting Authorization test to IP address <> (timeout: 
12 seconds)
[68587]         memberOf: value = CN=cust1-test,OU=Foo,DC=test,DC=local
[68587]                 mapped to IETF-Radius-Class: value = cust1-test
[68587]                 mapped to LDAP-Class: value = cust1-test
[68587]         memberOf: value = CN=vpn_users,OU=Foo,DC=test,DC=local
[68587]                 mapped to IETF-Radius-Class: value = work
[68587]                 mapped to LDAP-Class: value = work

A couple of caveats on the testing; your primary POSIX group does not show up 
in the LDAP query (usually Domain Users) and your first match is the winner 
(unless you are using DAP policies that allow combining).


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