Many thanks for your reply, now i understand.
For the servers and routers, we can use the static address.
For the mobile clients or desktop clients, we can use the SLAAC to get the
IPv6 address from Router (EUI-64) and Stateless + DHCPv6 to get other DNS
or Domain information.

2012/4/24 Gert Doering <>

> Hi,
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 02:03:23PM +0800, Xu Hu wrote:
> > 1. In the real network, usually which kind of ipv6 addressing will use?
> the
> > normal one or EUI-64 type?
> This is a religious issue, and you should be able to find 5000 different
> opinions on the NANOG list.
> We use static addresses for servers and routers, and EUI64 autoconfig
> (SLAAC+stateless DHCPv6) for client PCs.
> > 2. For the link local address, usually which kind of type will use?
> > manually or dynamic?
> We do not configure anything there, so "dynamic".  Less configuration is
> less work...
> gert
> --
> USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
>                                                           //
> Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
> fax: +49-89-35655025
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