On 07/30/2013 08:23 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:

Having a similar situation here. Hoping to get more feedback then Phil ever did.

Is there a way through console only to worm back into the SP/rommon/reset?

I can boot an old msfc image on the RP (hybrid mode with both SP and RP running IOS), but havent figured out anything further yet.

The questions comes down to whether remote console is sufficient or if remote power is also required.
Hmm, the only thing I could find is to press ctrl-C three times in a row at the RP rommon prompt ( http://wiki.nesevo.com/index.php/Conversion_on_Supervisor_Engine_720 at step 8; confirmed at the same step on http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps708/products_tech_note09186a008015bfa6.shtml#conv_720). It would be interesting if that worked for you.

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