On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 06:07:20PM +0100, Gert Doering wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 04:41:56PM +0100, Olivier CALVANO wrote:
> > i want a ethernet link between vlan 500 and 501
> > it's possible ?
> Not with generic LAN hardware, unless you do nasty workarounds
>  int gig3/2
>    swi access vlan 500
>  int gig3/3
>    swi access vlan 501
> and then put a cable between g3/2 and g3/3...

At which point it is better to collapse VLAN 500 and 501 together, so
you don't depend on one weird odd thing in the network holding it
together, and when somebody goes and says WTF, and undoes the oddness,
that everything doesn't just break. 
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