Hi all
I have the below configuration

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#sh run ipsla
Mon May 12 14:23:06.005 UTC
 operation 1
  type icmp echo
   destination address
   frequency 5
 schedule operation 1
  start-time now
  life forever

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#sh ipsla statistics 1
Mon May 12 14:23:19.884 UTC
Entry number: 1
    Modification time: 11:41:50.248 UTC Mon May 12 2014
    Start time       : 11:41:50.268 UTC Mon May 12 2014
    Number of operations attempted: 1935
    Number of operations skipped  : 3
    Current seconds left in Life  : Forever
    Operational state of entry    : Active
    Operational frequency(seconds): 5
    Connection loss occurred      : FALSE
    Timeout occurred              : FALSE
    Latest RTT (milliseconds)     : 10
    Latest operation start time   : 14:23:15.504 UTC Mon May 12 2014
    Next operation start time     : 14:23:20.504 UTC Mon May 12 2014
    Latest operation return code  : OK
    RTT Values:
      RTTAvg  : 10         RTTMin: 10         RTTMax : 10
      NumOfRTT: 1          RTTSum: 10         RTTSum2: 100

It's working fine , now I have defined a track object

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#sh run track
Mon May 12 14:23:45.743 UTC
track 10
 type rtr 1 reachability

Why am getting the IP SLA operation is not in progress

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#sh track 10
Mon May 12 14:24:12.341 UTC

Track 10
        Response Time Reporter 1 reachability
        ipsla operation not in progress

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