Are you talking about cgnat ?  if so, Why do you only see blocks 512 and 1024 ? 
 I see 8 - 4096....

Where do you see these settings ?  I see bulk-port-alloc but I don't see 
anything about max-blocks-per-user, active-block-timeout, overall 
mapping-timeout, address sharing ratio ??

Mon Feb 29 14:25:16.812 CST
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Configuration 5.3.1
service cgn cgn1
 service-location preferred-active 0/3/CPU0
 service-type nat44 nat1
  portlimit 5000
  alg ActiveFTP
  inside-vrf six

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:eng-lab-9k-1(config-cgn-invrf)#bulk-port-alloc ?
  size  Bulk size for allocation.
        Should be greater or equal to one fourth of the port limit
         and less than twice the port limit.
        For optimum results, should be close to half the port limit
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:eng-lab-9k-1(config-cgn-invrf)#bulk-port-alloc size ?
  none  No bulk allocation
  8     Allocate 8 ports in bulk
  16    Allocate 16 ports in bulk
  32    Allocate 32 ports in bulk
  64    Allocate 64 ports in bulk
  128   Allocate 128 ports in bulk
  256   Allocate 256 ports in bulk
  512   Allocate 512 ports in bulk
  1024  Allocate 1024 ports in bulk
  2048  Allocate 2048 ports in bulk
  4096  Allocate 4096 ports in bulk

-----Original Message-----
From: cisco-nsp [] On Behalf Of Adam 
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:56 PM
Subject: [c-nsp] PBA best practices

Hi folks,

Would like to ask regarding PBA best practices.

From the documentation it was obvious that from a performance point of view 
using smaller number of larger pools is better than using large number of 
smaller pools.
But how do I strike the balance? In other words what is the average number of 
sessions for an average internet user?

I'm interested in these values in particular:
block-size ?saw 512 or 1024?
max-blocks-per-user ?have no idea 2 or 4?
active-block-timeout ?
overall mapping-timeout ?
address sharing ratio ?16:1 before spamhaus blacklists the public IP?

If anyone could share their experience or point me to some nanog presentation 
or a best practice doc that would be great.


        Adam Vitkovsky
        IP Engineer

T:      0333 006 5936

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