That code is definitely subject to memory leaks.
Specifically if you have a shut down BGP session.
That is also in some revs of SXI.
Later revs tend to have fewer bugs since they are mostly patching bugs.

Mack McBride | Senior Network Architect | ViaWest, Inc.
O: 720.891.2502 | C: 303.720.2711 | |

-----Original Message-----
From: cisco-nsp [] On Behalf Of Howard 
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2016 11:37 AM
To: 'Jon Lewis'
Cc: 'cisco-nsp'
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] SUP720's memory, looking at options..

 FYI, the version I am currently running is 12.2(33)SXJ1, and though I know 
it's not the newest thing going, it for sure has served us well with an
uptime of 4 years, 51 weeks, 4 days, 19 minutes as of this message.    I
have little doubt that a reboot may free up some memory, if nothing else some 
more contiguous chunks, but from all I have read here recently, with taking 
full routes this is a short term stop gap measure at best.

 So what I am trying to figure out, is what is a good path forward that will
last more than a couple months at best.   As mentioned below,  I have looked
at just using the RSP720-3CXL as it will take a lot more RAM reduce running on 
the edge of a memory allocation failure (plus the faster CPU is good for BGP).  
I have looked at using something like the ASR1004/6 as with a full load of RAM 
it says it will easily do 4 million routes.  Finally I know someone that has a 
GSR12404 that suggested I use it, and though I know it's not new platform, I 
can't for the life of me figure out what routing limits
it has.   I for sure need 1G and 10G interfaces (not a lot), also need 32bit
ASN support as we already use it at the IX

 The reboot of the current switch would be easy, but if I need to take the time 
to haul around big switches/routers, and changing the network around, I figure 
it just makes good sense to learn what I can to make an informed choice as much 
as possible.

 Happy 4th to any that celebrate it..

Howard Leadmon -
PBW Communications, LLC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Lewis []
> Sent: Monday, July 4, 2016 9:34 AM
> To: Howard Leadmon <>
> Cc: 'cisco-nsp' <>
> Subject: Re: [c-nsp] SUP720's memory, looking at options..
> On Mon, 4 Jul 2016, Howard Leadmon wrote:
> >  I knew with the 720-3BXL's I was running, that eventually the TCAM
> > would become an issue, but it seemed like I still had a little bit
> > of
> > room left.   Then I saw the chatter here about the RAM on the RP
> exhausting
> > before the TCAM, so went peeking at the switch after reading an earlier
> > thread.     Sure enough, though TCAM was starting to get full, to my
> > surprise when I looked at memory, it was at 92%, so even closer than
> > the TCAM by far to exhaustion.
> >
> > I know I can't just up the RAM on the board, so that now leads me to
> > wonder what are reasonable options to resolve this before it becomes
> > a
> very real
> > and big problem.   First let me say, compared to many here we are small
> > guys, we have a limited budget, and our 6509 has served us well for
> > a
> > many years, I think it's about to pass the 5yr uptime mark.   We have
> > full feeds as uptime is important, and we also peer at the Equinix
> > IX, so have a bunch of additional peering sessions.
> Some of the software versions for the 6500 have had BGP related memory
> leaks, and if you've got an uptime of 5yrs, that means you're not
> exactly running recent code, and have had a lot of time for memory to
> get misplaced.  I no longer have access to a 6500 with full feeds, so
> I don't
know if
> 3 full feeds + an IX should be running you out of memory.  An
> upgrade/reboot might be worth a try though.  I'd stay in whatever
> major version you're in though...not try jumping to a much later
> version that
> be even more memory hungry.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
>                               |  therefore you are _________
> for PGP public key_________

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