Cheers, I labbed it up om ASR1001 -> the ASR1001 had SPA1x5G, it 
had 2 working GE-Ts....added the same SFP's (Copper/GE-T), the ASR logged the 
insertion, you could vie the details of the SFPs, but we could not get them to 
link to anything (and yes, we had enabled the ports :).....SFPs worked fine in 
the 4948....put some single mode fibre SFP's and worked instantly.....job for 
another day to figure out)....any way setup a 2 port portchan, with 5 subints 
on ASR1001, vlan int on 4948, all worked as exected.....big test was removal of 
the 2 member ints on ASR1001 from portchan (Would it not allow it, or allow it, 
and delete the portchan/subints....thankfully, neither...It allowed the removal 
of all member ints, and just shutdown the portchan (Keeping al subints 
conf) the links, and all worked....replicated this on the 
ASR1006/4500X, and it also did the a relatively painless change,, 
and we now have 2x10Gs in the portchan.

Thanks for all the suggestions - cheers.

From: Pete Templin <>
Sent: Thursday, 15 June 2017 3:47 AM
To: CiscoNSP List; Cisco Network Service Providers
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] Migrating multi 1Gb port-chan member ints to 10G 
.....possible withot having to create a new portchan?

Copy the config off-box, trim it down to just the subinterfaces, copy
that resulting file to bootflash. Delete the members, add the new
members, and if you have to restore the subinterfaces, copy
bootflash:subints-config-bits running-config

It's not hard, you can have your ducks all ready to go, and drop it
right back in.

On 6/13/17 9:04 PM, CiscoNSP List wrote:
> Well tried this last night, and the ASR1K did not cooperate.....4500X, played 
> nice and behaved like the 2960 (Adding 10G ports to the portchan, rejected 
> them due to speed difference, but still adds them to the portchan, but in 
> suspended all good there, but ASR1K, (As well as only allowing 4 
> member ints in a portchan.,,which was a tad inconvenient), when attempting to 
> add the 10G port, it simply rejects them due to bandwidth, ie, does not put 
> the port into suspended mode/add it to the member Ints, if you 
> remove the 1G links, portchan would have no would have to add 
> 10G members after removing all 1G.....but Im almost positive the ASR will not 
> allow me to remove all the 1G ints, due to the subinterfaces (I didnt want to 
> test this on the production ASR1K, maintenance window was only short), 
> going to test it on an asr1001, and see what the result is....I really really 
> hope I can just shutdown the portchan, remove all the 1G ints, add the 10G;s 
> then re-enable the portchan...I hope I dont have to remove portchan, remove 
> 1G ints from it, re-create it, then add the 10G's.....subints are referenced 
> in ospf/bgp etc....wouldnt surprise me if they were dynamically 
> removed...other option is to change startup conf, save, reboot (Or 
> potentially save, then replace running with startup.....but having done that 
> on previous  occasions, it doesnt always go smoothly 😉)

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