We recently upgraded our Nexus 3548 from version 6.0(2)A1(1d) to version 
7.0(3)I7(3). We can get in from one of the trunk ports feeding the switch, but 
there is no traffic passing through to other ports. 

I'm not fully versed on the process as I wasn't the one doing it, just putting 
in keyboard time looking for resolutions. 

1) Cisco doesn't seem to list any documentation for NX-OS 7 on the 3548, yet 7 
is the only available software download on their support site. Some of the 
links take me to the 3600. No idea if that's correct. 
2) It looks like along the way, we got a vdc section added to our config, but 
the only instance of vdc I can find applies to 7000 series switches. Is that 
supposed to be there? Should I just follow the 7000's config for VDCs? 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

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