Curious to hear from the community if anyone else has run into this (aside from the obvious post above.)

A few months ago, we had an odd incident where one of our NPs lost its mind. As expected, two 100G ports went wacko and we had to shut them down.

During a maintenance window, rebooting the linecard fixed it, but then it did it again a month or so later.

This chassis has been up and churning packets for several years, so it was presumed to be a possible hardware fail.

We acquired another A99-8X100GE-TR and hammered it in, but it won't boot at all. Similar issues -- NPs are unhappy -- won't initialize right.

Our fear is a backplane issue, until I stumbled across that post.

At the moment, we are in fact running 6.5.3 SP6. FPDs are upgraded, we also have RSP880s, same chassis (9904). Sound familiar?

Anybody else seen this?

Thank you all ... !!
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