That's fantastic news Dana.  I'm sure you are glad to have this behind you.

We cannot reasonably expect Cliff to come rescue all of us. So Cliff, what
wisdom can you share with us all, that will make our license migrations a
little quicker, and a little smoother?  Please address Dana's scenario as
well, where the customer had CUWL, but the migration process only resulted
in UCL.

Dana wrote: "Global Licensing provided the customer with a mix of UCL
Enhanced and Enhanced Plus licenses at the time of upgrade to get the
system operational. (They didn't have their Owner ID's set and it was an
8-10 upgrade.)"

Thanks Cliff.

On Tue Jan 13 2015 at 5:33:01 AM Dana Tong <>

>  FYI,
>  Clif was a tremendous help here. He was able to escalate to one of the
> teams who was able to pull all of the customers entitlement for the past 8
> years from the archives. The outcome was that the duty manager was able to
> authorize the customers CUWL licenses.
>  It was really quite amazing stuff.
>  Regards,
> Dana Tong
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Clif Perry (cperry)" <>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [cisco-voip] Licenses upgrade issues
> Date: Fri, Jan 9, 2015 6:31 PM
>   Dana – Please send me an email at with the GLO case
> number and I’ll get this sorted out for you.
>  Charles – Looks like you may also need some help.  Feel free to email me
> as well.
>  Clif
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