Has anyone seen the Call Manager RTMT alert for CiscoGraceTimeLeft,
CiscoNoProvisionTimeout, CiscoSystemInDemo, or CiscoSystemInOverage

The RTMT alerts are all enabled (default) but I've seen multiple call
manager 9.x and 10.x go over the licenses in ELM/PLM and get out of
compliance by a few phones but never seen these alerts turn red in
RTMT or nothing in the local syslog for them either.  I've been over
by 1 Enhanced license for 3-4 days now and have 58 days left and none
of these have raised in RTMT.

The documentation states the RTMT alert is where to enable these and
they are on by default. Is there some other knob not covered in the

The ELM and PLM documentation state it is up to the application to
enforce and alert on licensing matters.  I do not see a way to enable
a syslog server on the PLM server.  I have snmp enabled but am not
seeing any snmp traps either.  Has anyone looked into polling PLM
directly to monitor licenses are compliant or not, or to get counts
via SNMP?

The Unity Connection alerting mechanism works fine, and unity
connection stops taking calls if licensing issue goes past the grace
period. That is changing in future though.

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