Hi Nathan, Mathew, all,

Just checking if you have have had any other issues or feedback to share for 
There are a few things that have caught our attention and might be a good place 
to share:

  *   CSCvb67761: Live Data Streaming Source Offline after 'maxThreads' 
exhausted on port 9443
     *   This is due to the Agent State Log Report causing high CPU and 
affecting the socket.IO service, eventually leading to LD to shut down
     *   If you are having issues of LD not working under load or user 
complaining of constant disconnects, disable this one report and it should be 
resolved. We are investigating the fix, but this is due to the fact that the 
initial data is being loaded from the DB snapshot for this report and thus 
putting a lot of load on the system.
     *   This is affecting a small % of customers, but the workaround is simple.
     *   Disable


 filterId=AgentStateDetailStats      agentID=loginId from the Finesse layout
  *   CSCvb93630: UCCX: Calls recorded by Media Sense are not tagged by UCCX 
     *   This is a sev2 defect, so please be mindful of this
     *   Fix will be released soon
  *   Handling ECDSA certificates: updated strategy and required COP files have 
been published to TAC. So if you are having trouble working with ECDSA 
certificates or looking to disable them (like the enterprise parameter 
mentioned below, which is for CUCM only) - please get in touch with TAC.

Apart from that, any other general feedback on upgrade experience or on Finesse 
etc. are most welcome, please share the same.


Abhiram Kramadhati
Technical Solutions Manager, CCBU
CCIE Collaboration # 40065

From: cisco-voip 
on behalf of Nathan Reeves 
Date: Wednesday, 26 October 2016 at 2:48 PM
To: Matthew Loraditch 
Cc: "cisco-voip@puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip@puck.nether.net>" 
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues

I saw something similar with a fresh install / upgrade (from 11.0 to 11.5 - 
didn't have a bootable 11.5 ISO) I attempted last week.

Found that the upgrade via GUI wouldn't successfully complete.  It would get to 
the section that mentions releasing the upgrade lock but never actually does 
so.  I posted on the cisco forums and it was suggested to do the upgrade via 
cli.  This did complete successfully, but like you encountered, services 
wouldn't start on the first boot following upgrade.  I completed a subsequent 
reboot and things came up as expected.

Was in between moving employers so haven't managed to get back to the home lab 
to take any further look at logins unfort.


On Tuesday, October 25, 2016, Matthew Loraditch 
11.0. It was not Finesse, that and CUIC were the only Tomcats that started and 
Finesse actually worked. Agents could login and take calls in my testing.
The regular Tomcat service and the dependent services that run /appadmin 
/cmplatform etc would not start. This was occurring before live agents even 
logged in.

 On Behalf Of Anthony Holloway
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 2:46 PM
To: Matthew Loraditch 
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues

What UCCX version were you coming from, and what are the Finesse browser 
versions in use?

I wonder if 11.5 is a resource hog, or if you might be hitting the Finesse Live 
Data issue I had a few months back when moving to UCCX 11.0 and using IE9 in 
non-compatibilty mode, and IE11 in compatibility mode.


On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 12:46 PM, Matthew Loraditch 
So after getting some sleep, I figured I’d publish this PSA. Don’t run CCX 11.5 
on C200M2 BE6K. while it may be able to handle it from a numbers basis, It 
can’t handle it. 11.5 is a resource hog. Once I moved it to a BE7H I have and 
upped it to the CPU and RAM of 400 user OVA it started working. The RAM/CPU 
increase had been discussed as a possible option. Although I now have an OVA 
mismatch because I only have one hard drive.

Essentially there are timeouts on the various components that run under tomcat 
and if Tomcat doesn’t come up in 10 minutes they never will come online.

I now have to experiment with the RAM/CPU and see if it will be ok on the 
better hardware with the normal settings or not and then upgrade my normal 
hosts hardware. Boy did I have no idea what rabbit hole I was going down. My 
supervisors owe me some drinks…

From: Matthew Loraditch
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 12:21 AM
To: Matthew Loraditch 
<natec...@gmail.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','natec...@gmail.com');>>; 'Ryan 

Subject: RE: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues

I’ve stumped the Sunday crew…. On the phone for 12 hours straight now. We are 
now escalating to the BU.

From: cisco-voip 
 On Behalf Of Matthew Loraditch
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 12:54 PM
To: NateCCIE 
<natec...@gmail.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','natec...@gmail.com');>>; 'Ryan 
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues

Yes that’s what I’ve found, but that’s basically telling me to build a whole 
new CA.  Which is not hard in and of itself, it’s the implications of  having 
multiple Cas and/or migrating all of the other certs. Trying to avoid 
overcomplicating things when I have zero need for that kind of encryption.

From: NateCCIE 
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 12:40 PM
To: Matthew Loraditch 
 'Ryan Huff' 
Subject: RE: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues

Not much of a windows guy anymore, (MCSE Windows 2000), but this looks pretty 
easy, but I imagine it’s under the control of some other person/group.



From: Matthew Loraditch 
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 9:16 AM
To: NateCCIE 
<natec...@gmail.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','natec...@gmail.com');>>; 'Ryan 
Subject: RE: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues

We use our AD CA for the certs and setting that up to do EC certs is not a tiny 
bit of work. Everything I’ve read basically indicated I have to rebuild the 
thing from scratch. The Cert Management page indicates I can actually turn them 
off in Enterprise Parameters… but that’s not exposed in UCCX.
I’ll probably be just using GPO to push the self signed certs to my agent’s PCs 
for now.

From: NateCCIE 
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 11:04 AM
To: Matthew Loraditch 
 'Ryan Huff' 
Subject: RE: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues


All of the 11.5 stuff seems to have the ecdsa certs.  Digicert issues them just 
fine on their wildcard cert.

From: cisco-voip 
 On Behalf Of Matthew Loraditch
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2016 11:00 PM
To: Ryan Huff 
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues

Thanks. After another reboot. I’ve got admin pages on the primary. Also some 
finesse service is running on yet another port (12015) and giving me elliptic 
curve certs… Need to figure out how to disable them.

TAC and Football tomorrow!

From: Ryan Huff 
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2016 11:16 AM
To: Matthew Loraditch 
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] CCX 11.5 Upgrade Issues

There is an ES for 11.5 FYI; not sure if any of your upgrade issues are covered 
in the ES ... but TAC may lead you down that path.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 22, 2016, at 11:09 AM, Matthew Loraditch 
So I did one of these last night, just a few issues..

1)      None of the admin webpage services will start on the primary server. 
Tomcat logs don’t show anything I understand or look like obvious errors.

2)      Can’t login to CUIC or the new Identity services with any combination 
of usernames I’ve tried. Just plain usernames, the built in admin account, 
CCX\username, etc.

I’ve combed documentation for #2, but I’m either missing something or it 
doesn’t exist. I read the SSO guide for identity services, but it skips over 
the login to it this way section and the configuration guide doesn’t seem to 
mention it…

DB Replication is good for both databases CCX and the platform DBs. CCX is 
operating, agents can login and queues are working correctly.

I’ll be calling TAC tomorrow, but if anyone has any insights or bug IDs that 
may save me time, I’d appreciate it.

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