1.) Bug Poll

      Legitimate bugs (which I define as unexpected behavior in consistent with 
published Cisco documentation): 2%

      Customer Issue: 98%

2.) I usually devote 16-20 hours of planning and prepping the upgrade 
(Documentation, Visio, building the bridge if it's that kind of upgrade ... 
etc). If I have extravagant products in play like Social Miner ... the now 
defunct MediaSense ... etc, I might add a little more time but right around the 
20 hour mark is where I feel comfortable.


From: cisco-voip <cisco-voip-boun...@puck.nether.net> on behalf of Ryan Ratliff 
(rratliff) <rratl...@cisco.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 9:37 AM
To: cisco-voip list
Subject: [cisco-voip] UCM Upgrade Poll

Quick 2 question poll, feel free to unicast or share your response with the 

1. When you or your customers have a UCM or IMP upgrade fail, what percentage 
of failures are due to a bug vs something in the environment (user error, db 
updates, etc)?
% bug:
% not a bug:
Yes it’s a very subjective question but that’s ok, use your judgement.

2. When an upgrade goes smoothly with no issues, how much time do you put into 
the planning and preparation for the upgrade (not the execution)?



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