The "action" was removed by iOS 11 I guess.

You can refer to this website where cisco stated that customers are
recommended to upgrade by june 2018*

*Historical date for WWDC and beta availability of the next major iOS

On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 5:15 PM, Jon Fox - CISCO IPT <>

> Hello all
> I was under the impression that when users update to version 11 of IOS on
> Ipad/iphone the Jabber app would no longer recieve call/notifcations when
> the app is running in the background?
> We only have a handful of users using Jabber on Iphone/ipad so we didnt
> see the point in rushing through an upgrade.
> Yesterday, I upgraded to IOS11 (iphone/ipad) and my jabber still works
> exactly as it did before?
> The spill i read and was told below.
> -Jabber to no longer run in background for an extended period
> -Jabber terminated if not running in foreground after some time
> Can anyone shed a light on this? Have i missed something?
> Thank you.
> JF
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