I just wanted to send a quick update and another THANK YOU, this worked
perfectly for adding office 365 accounts! Thanks so much. I only ran into
one real issue, which I'll know more about next time... apparently, one of
my POST requests actually worked and then added the UM account to the CUC
user. I didn't know this happened because I guess I wasn't paying close
enough attention. From that point on, I kept getting a "400 Bad Request."
 We spun our wheels for an hour or so trying to figure out what was wrong
with the web request. Turns out, there was nothing wrong and CUC responds
with a 400 when you try to add a SECOND UM account. Derp. We deleted the
one that was added during testing and were able to successfully put it back

FWIW, we used iwr from powershell, and not postman. Going through this
exercise has really been eye opening on how this works. I just didn't "get
it" before... one step closer to world domination :)


On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 12:25 AM, Nathan Reeves <nathan.a.ree...@gmail.com>

> Taken a quick look and yeah, Anthony is correct in regards to the use of
> *To Delete the existing UM Service account:*
> - A GET to https://<connection-server>/vmrest/users/ will dump the users
> on the Connection Server.
> - For each user you'll find an objectId listed. A GET to https://
> <connection-server>/vmrest/users/<user-objectid>/externalserviceaccounts
> will dump any attached external services account for the user.
> - You'll want to then grab the '<URI>' value in the returned data (looking
> like '/vmrest/users/<user-objectid>/externalserviceaccounts/<ObjectId>'
> and execute a DELETE against that URI (obv adding 
> 'https://<connection-server>/'
> to the URI).
> - Note that you need to use basic auth to login as an appadmin for the
> request.
> - CURL wise: curl --basic --user <app admin>:<password> -k -X DELETE
> https://<connection-server>/vmrest/users/<user-objectid>/
> externalserviceaccounts/<object-id>
> *To add the new UM Service to the user account:*
> - Update the XML below with:
>    - %umservice-objectid% - The guid of the um service (easiest way is to
> grab the guid from the CUC Admin pages for the UM service listed under
> Unified Messaging > Unified Messaging Services).
>    - %user-objectid% - As per the id you found prev when you did the
> delete.
> <ExternalServiceAccount>
>      <ExternalServiceObjectId>*%umservice-objectid%*</ExternalServiceObjectId>
>      <SubscriberObjectId>*%user-objectid%*</SubscriberObjectId>
>      <UserURI>/vmrest/users/*%user-objectid%*</UserURI>
>      <EnableCalendarCapability>true</EnableCalendarCapability>
>      <EnableMeetingCapability>false</EnableMeetingCapability>
>      <EnableTtsOfEmailCapability>true</EnableTtsOfEmailCapability>
>      <IsPrimaryMeetingService>false</IsPrimaryMeetingService>
>      <LoginType>0</LoginType>
>      <UserPassword/>
>      <EnableMailboxSynchCapability>true</EnableMailboxSynchCapability>
>      <EmailAddressUseCorp>true</EmailAddressUseCorp>
> </ExternalServiceAccount>
> You'll need to then POST this XML to url: 'https://<connection-server>/
> vmrest/users/<user-objectid>/externalserviceaccounts'.  Note that again
> you need to provide basic auth.
> Note that the XML Above worked for me when adding a UM Service configured
> to point to Exchange, so ~in theory~ this should work for O365 as well.
> Not got a tenancy I can test against at the moment in O365 to confirm.
> If you use Postman to run this stuff, make sure you use the desktop
> version (not the chrome extension version), and make sure you add the
> 'Origin' header.  The value should be the url of the CUC Server (eg '
>').  This should stop you receiving the 'domain not
> allowed' error message'
> Hope this assists.
> Nathan
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 7:56 AM, Nathan Reeves <nathan.a.ree...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> While people are possibly playing around with the CUC Provisioning API,
>> let me know if you ever get the import of CUCM Local users to CUC working
>> correctly.  The last rollout I did I was trying to pull in local users but
>> the api just didn't work.  Had to use LDAP imports instead.  Never looked
>> too much deeper as I just needed to get on with things.
>> But yeah, the API for CUC is really hit and miss.  lol, and the API for
>> UCCX can be a bit the same.
>> Nathan
>> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 5:07 AM, Anthony Holloway <
>> avholloway+cisco-v...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Wow, the documentation for the CUC API has gone to shit.  There's
>>> literally a link on the developer.cisco.com site that sends you to a
>>> wiki site, which itself then sends you to developer.cisco.com.  Nice.
>>> Anyway, I tried to look into this quick for you, but I got stuck with
>>> the documentation on POSTing a new UM account for end users.  It literally
>>> just says:
>>> "To create an a new external service account, POST an XML document 
>>> (formatted
>>> similar to the one above) to the following URL:
>>> POST https://<connection-server>/vmrest/users/<user-objectid>/ext
>>> ernalserviceaccounts"
>>> Source: http://docwiki.cisco.com/wiki/Cisco_Unity_Connection
>>> _Provisioning_Interface_(CUPI)_API_--_User_Unified_Messaging_Account
>>> The key part being "similar to."  It's beyond my comprehension that
>>> anyone would think that this is sufficient documentation to make an API
>>> request work.  Suffice it to say, it didn't work for me, and now I'm done
>>> troubleshooting it.
>>> Since any good REST API should use CRUD, it would then make sense that
>>> you issue an HTTP DELETE to the user object + um account object URI to
>>> remove the old one, after you successfully run the POST above to Create the
>>> new association.
>>> Good luck.  If I have more time in the next few days, I'll try again.
>>> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 10:25 AM Nick Barnett <nicksbarn...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I can handle most things in CUCM with SOAP, but I always get confused
>>>> when trying to use VMREST in CUC. I cannot find a way to add and remove a
>>>> UM account via automation. We're stuck using a CSV and it's really putting
>>>> a cramp in our migration to Exchange Online.
>>>> The particular change I'm needing is here: Users->EditMenu->Unified
>>>> messaging accounts
>>>> 1) Need to add an additional one that connects to Exchange Online (this
>>>> already exists in CUC)
>>>> 2) Need to delete the old one that connects to on prem Exchange. (Not
>>>> delete the whole UM connector service, but just the account association to
>>>> a particular user)
>>>> Does anyone have any pointers on this? We have batches of people
>>>> migrating every week, sometimes multiple times per week... so I can't just
>>>> make some global change.
>>>> We're on CUC 10.5
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Nick
>>>> P.S.  I hate that MSFT and CSCO both have a product called "Unified
>>>> Messaging" :)
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