Thanks very much for this!  Has anyone worked out an easy way to bulk
download this data?  Say you have to rebuild or add a node to an existing
cluster and the customer doesn't have all of this info archived properly?

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 1:20 PM Brian Meade <> wrote:

> Now on Github-
> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 8:47 AM, Brian Meade <> wrote:
>> Thanks for cleaning that up Anthony!
>> My main goal with this is to bulk upload entire directories and all the
>> sub-directories so I can easily upload all the Desktops directories and
>> such.
>> Since I'm bulk uploading so many files, I decided to just do a single
>> node at a time but your edit should work fine to make this multi-node.
>> Attached my finalized script I was able to use to upload a few hundred
>> files to a 4-node cluster on Friday.
>> On Sat, Jun 2, 2018 at 3:19 PM, Anthony Holloway <
>>> wrote:
>>> Here's your code re-worked a little Brian, for you or for anyone else,
>>> and I tested it on 11.5 and it works.  I did not put in any error handling,
>>> so I'll leave that up to you.  You can do things like Try/Catch or checking
>>> for resp.status_code == 200, file existence checking, etc.  I figure,
>>> knowing how to make it work was the challenge, not error handling, so I
>>> left that out.
>>> # Install Python 2.7 and choose the option to add to path (off by
>>> default)
>>> # Then install two modules
>>> #  C:\>pip install requests
>>> #  C:\>pip install BeautifulSoup
>>> # Then run the program
>>> #  C:\>python
>>> import requests
>>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
>>> requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
>>> tftp_host = ""
>>> tftp_user = ""
>>> tftp_pass = ""
>>> tftp_file = ""
>>> tftp_path = ""
>>> url_base = "https://{}/cmplatform/".format(tftp_host)
>>> url_login = "{}j_security_check".format(url_base)
>>> url_upload = "{}".format(url_base)
>>> # Allows us to keep track of our login session
>>> print "\nLogging in to {}...".format(tftp_host),
>>> connection = requests.Session()
>>> # Start a new session by simply access a page on the server
>>> resp = connection.get(url_base, verify = False)
>>> # Our login form data
>>> form_data = {
>>> "appNav": "cmplatform",
>>> "j_username": tftp_user,
>>> "j_password": tftp_pass
>>> }
>>> # Our login submission to the server
>>> resp =, verify = False, data = form_data)
>>> print "Success!\n"
>>> # We need to grab the token the server gives us, so we can pass it back
>>> upon upload
>>> print "Grabbing a new token...",
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(connection.get(url_upload, verify = False).content)
>>> # It's a hidden input element on the upload form with the name of "token"
>>> token = soup.find("input", {"name": "token"}).get("value")
>>> print "Found! [{}]\n".format(token)
>>> # Our upload form submission data
>>> payload = {
>>> "": (None, "token"),
>>> "token": (None, token),
>>> "file": (tftp_file, open(tftp_file, "rb"), {"Content-Type":
>>> "text/plain"}),
>>> "directory": (None, tftp_path)
>>> }
>>> # Our upload submission to the server
>>> print "Uploading file: {}...".format(tftp_file),
>>> resp =, verify = False, files = payload)
>>> print "Success!\n"
>>> print "Done!"
>>> If you want multiple server/multiple file support, it's really just a
>>> small modification (highlighted in red):
>>> # Install Python 2.7 and choose the option to add to path (off by
>>> default)
>>> # Then install two modules
>>> #  C:\>pip install requests
>>> #  C:\>pip install BeautifulSoup
>>> # Then run the program
>>> #  C:\>python
>>> import requests
>>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
>>> requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
>>> tftp_hosts = [
>>> "host1",
>>> "hostN"
>>> ]
>>> tftp_user = ""
>>> tftp_pass = ""
>>> tftp_files = [
>>> "file1",
>>> "fileN"
>>> ]
>>> tftp_path = ""
>>> for tftp_host in tftp_hosts:
>>> url_base = "https://{}/cmplatform/".format(tftp_host)
>>> url_login = "{}j_security_check".format(url_base)
>>> url_upload = "{}".format(url_base)
>>> # Allows us to keep track of our login session
>>> print "\nLogging in to {}...".format(tftp_host),
>>> connection = requests.Session()
>>> # Start a new session by simply access a page on the server
>>> resp = connection.get(url_base, verify = False)
>>> # Our login form data
>>> form_data = {
>>> "appNav": "cmplatform",
>>> "j_username": tftp_user,
>>> "j_password": tftp_pass
>>> }
>>> # Our login submission to the server
>>> resp =, verify = False, data = form_data)
>>> print "Success!\n"
>>> for tftp_file in tftp_files:
>>> # We need to grab the token the server gives us, so we can pass it back
>>> upon upload
>>> print "Grabbing a new token...",
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(connection.get(url_upload, verify = False).content)
>>> # It's a hidden input element on the upload form with the name of "token"
>>> token = soup.find("input", {"name": "token"}).get("value")
>>> print "Found! [{}]\n".format(token)
>>> # Our upload form submission data
>>> payload = {
>>> "": (None, "token"),
>>> "token": (None, token),
>>> "file": (tftp_file, open(tftp_file, "rb"), {"Content-Type":
>>> "text/plain"}),
>>> "directory": (None, tftp_path)
>>> }
>>> # Our upload submission to the server
>>> print "Uploading file: {}...".format(tftp_file),
>>> resp =, verify = False, files = payload)
>>> print "Success!\n"
>>> print "Done!"
>>> On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 3:38 PM Brian Meade <> wrote:
>>>> So just re-read through everything and sure enough I was sending to the
>>>> wrong IP when running the script.  No wonder it's shown as uploading
>>>> successfully the entire time.
>>>> Thanks for you and Stephen's assistance!
>>>> Tommy, BTW you can remove a lot of the manual set headers if you want
>>>> to clean yours up.  It seems to work without them.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Brian Meade
>>>> On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 4:10 PM, Schlotterer, Tommy <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Just tested on CUCM 11.5, worked just fine.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Tommy
>>>>> *From:* [] *On Behalf Of 
>>>>> *Brian
>>>>> Meade
>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, June 1, 2018 4:06 PM
>>>>> *To:* Schlotterer, Tommy <>
>>>>> *Cc:* cisco-voip voyp list <>
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [cisco-voip] CUCM Bulk TFTP File Upload
>>>>> Thanks Tommy!
>>>>> Have you tested against CUCM 11.x okay?
>>>>> I need to build the dependencies to fully run yours.  I tried pulling
>>>>> out the important upload code but seeing the same issue I'm having with my
>>>>> code.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Brian Meade
>>>>> On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Schlotterer, Tommy <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Brian,
>>>>> Here is my really hacky python script to do this.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Tommy
>>>>> *From:* cisco-voip [] *On
>>>>> Behalf Of *Brian Meade
>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, June 1, 2018 9:54 AM
>>>>> *To:* cisco-voip voyp list <>
>>>>> *Subject:* [cisco-voip] CUCM Bulk TFTP File Upload
>>>>> Does anyone have a working script for this?
>>>>> I put together a script in python to do this but hitting some issues.
>>>>> Right now I’ve got it to the point that it’s trying to upload a single
>>>>> file.
>>>>> I used Fiddler to copy what I saw for a working request through a
>>>>> browser.
>>>>> I first do a Get to the cmplatform page to get a cookie.
>>>>> I then do a Post to the /cmplatform/j_security_check page to
>>>>> authenticate that cookie.
>>>>> I then do a Get to /cmplatform/ to get a Struts Token.
>>>>> I then do a Post to /cmplatform/ with the Struts
>>>>> token, filename, and directory details.
>>>>> This looks to be successful as I get a "File uploaded successfully"
>>>>> message returned but then I can't find the file on the TFTP File 
>>>>> Management
>>>>> page.
>>>>> I tried using the curl methods I found here (
>>>>> ) but no luck there.
>>>>> Not sure if this works in 11.5 without grabbing the Struts token.   
>>>>> Without
>>>>> a token, I get an error message saying something to the affect of I hit 
>>>>> the
>>>>> Submit button twice.
>>>>> Here's what it looks like when my script runs in Fiddler:
>>>>> This looks almost exactly like the real example through a browser I
>>>>> captured minus a few headers I tried manually adding with no luck.
>>>>> Python script attached.
>>>>> * Tommy Schlotterer | Systems Engineer - Collaboration Presidio
>>>>> (NASDAQ: PSDO) | <> 20 N Saint Clair 3rd
>>>>> Floor, Toledo, OH 43604
>>>>> <,+Toledo,+OH+43604&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>> D: 419.214.1415 <(419)%20214-1415> | C: 419.706.0259 <(419)%20706-0259> |
>>>>> <>*
>>>>> * [image: Future. Built.] <>*
>>>>> * Follow us: [image: Follow Presidio on Twitter]
>>>>> <>*
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>>>>> copies and attachments. Please be advised that any review or dissemination
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