
I did fresh installation of uccx1 and 2. currently demo license is expired and 
i am sorting that out but whenever i shutdown one of the uccx. the browser 
response of the powered on UCCX is very very slow. UCCX version is 12. can it 
be because of ntp?

admin:utils diagnose test

Log file: platform/log/diag1.log

Starting diagnostic test(s)
test - disk_space          : Passed (available: 8409 MB, used: 17621 MB)
skip - disk_files          : This module must be run directly and off hours
test - service_manager     : Passed
test - tomcat              : Passed
test - tomcat_deadlocks    : Passed
test - tomcat_keystore     : Passed
test - tomcat_connectors   : Passed
test - tomcat_threads      : Passed
test - tomcat_memory       : Passed
test - tomcat_sessions     : Passed
skip - tomcat_heapdump     : This module must be run directly and off hours
test - validate_network    : Error, intra-cluster communication is broken, 
unable to connect to []
test - raid                : Passed
test - system_info         : Passed (Collected system information in diagnostic 
test - ntp_reachability    : Passed
test - ntp_clock_drift     : Passed
test - ntp_stratum         : Failed
The reference NTP server is a stratum 5 clock.
NTP servers with stratum 5 or worse clocks are deemed unreliable.
Please consider using an NTP server with better stratum level.

Please use OS Admin GUI to add/delete NTP servers.

skip - sdl_fragmentation   : This module must be run directly and off hours
skip - sdi_fragmentation   : This module must be run directly and off hours

Diagnostics Completed

 The final output will be in Log file: platform/log/diag1.log

 Please use 'file view activelog platform/log/diag1.log' command to see the 



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