My biggest worry is the expiration of the service. We've notoriously been late 
in renewing our SmartNet/EA in the past. If, with Flex, the expiry is forced, 
based on a license file, it means we will have to be more diligent. 
Unfortunately, getting something like this passed requires three or four 
separate departments, emails (from licensing) get lost, etc. Hopefully it will 
all work out in the future.

And then there's Webex hardware as a service! 😊


-----Original Message-----
From: Pawlowski, Adam <> 
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 8:49 AM
To: Lelio Fulgenzi <>
Cc: cisco-voip voyp list <>
Subject: RE: Webex calling / flex sku’s

So, yes, in doing this research flex is a bit interesting. 

Early EAs had different restrictions on license quantity, which can impact a 
flex purchase. 1:1 may not be possible based on the license allowance ratios in 
Flex for anonymous phones or general mailboxes. 

It's also all subscription so your licenses end with the sub , not that anyone 
in enterprise should be floating support but that's not a game that seems that 
you can play with Flex. That just means processing budgets to re-up sooner, or, 
if you're looking at other solutions, getting that process rolling faster since 
you lose entitlement when you stop paying.

And yeah we have A-SPK -EDU for Webex/Teams meetings which is different than 
the public sector enterprise for sure. 

What I will say with Flex is that if you can meet minimums for service, you can 
up quantities within the term of the agreement, so you should be able to add 
"more" of something you already have without re-ordering the whole thing. You 
can't back down though I believe. I'm going to have misspoken about a lot of 
this since I'm an end user, we don't work with a partner, but our Cisco account 
team is very helpful in getting these answers when I come up with crazy 
questions - I hope yours is as well.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lelio Fulgenzi <>
> Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 8:44 AM
> To: Pawlowski, Adam <>
> Cc: cisco-voip voyp list <>
> Subject: Re: Webex calling / flex sku’s
> Thanks! We only have a short time frame, so, based on my quick 
> research, I think I may postpone the webex calling portion and only go 
> for making our trial webex site full fledged, matching our production site.
> I’ll have some time to work out what our production webex calling and 
> cc agent solution would look like, then get that going on trial first.
> I’m hoping we can get them to give us spk-edu for a short period of 
> time, co- term with our production site.
> Interesting thing about the public sector SKUs, they don’t include the 
> “how many student licenses do you need?” Question like the edu sku 
> does. Not sure how they work that in.
> Our EA comes due next year. I’m sure there will be a lot of stuff that 
> changes (again). I wish we had licensed the trial site earlier.
> One thing I know, is that more than likely we will move to flex.
> Lelio
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Feb 14, 2020, at 8:37 AM, Pawlowski, Adam <> wrote:
> >
> > We're actually looking to do something similar here. While obv a 
> > Cisco
> account contact should be able to help, I also like to know what I'm 
> dealing with. The Webex Calling datasheets describe different tiers, 
> including basic/enterprise, but under the EA the basic doesn't exist I 
> guess, or at least I got a warning from CCW playing with it.
> >
> > List pricing puts Webex Calling at almost 100% over premise calling, 
> > and
> UCM Cloud is like 80% more - both of those numbers are hard to reconcile.
> >
> > Based on CCW the enterprise calling is A-FLEX-EACL2  if you're doing 
> > this
> under A-FLEX-PUBLICSECT . I know you mentioned A-SPK-EDU but I don't 
> know if that part is still available or not, they've made a lot of 
> changes in the last few years.
> >
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: cisco-voip <> On Behalf Of 
> >> Lelio Fulgenzi
> >> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 5:39 PM
> >> To: cisco-voip voyp list <>
> >> Subject: [cisco-voip] Webex calling / flex sku’s
> >>
> >>
> >> I’m trying to do a last minute pitch for a full fledged lab 
> >> environment for webex cloud : mc/ec/tc/sc, Teams, webex calling 
> >> w/pstn,
> vm (, and call center).
> >>
> >> I know it’s not always as simple as top level sku’s but I’m 
> >> wondering if anyone can shed some light.
> >>
> >> I’m gonna use A-SPK-EDU to start, it’s still the right one in our 
> >> case I believe. I want to make sure I’m not getting Spark Call, but 
> >> the
> broadsoft webex calling.
> >>
> >> Any pointers?
> >>
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> cisco-voip mailing list
> >>
> >>
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