Could you not use “forward no coverage” for this ?

From: cisco-voip <> On Behalf Of Anthony 
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 10:52 AM
To: Arun Kumar <>
Cc: Cisco VoIP Group <>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] call forward is not working in this scenario

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Call forwarding is ignored for members of hunt groups.

If you actually configure SNR (like with RDP/RD) then that does work.  In fact, 
you don't even need a Cisco phone in the membership of the LG to ring a cell 
phone.  Once you build the DN on the RDP you can add the DN to the LG.

On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 7:27 AM Arun Kumar 
<<>> wrote:

can anybody please help to fix this call flow issue

the call flow is like this

Hunt pilot number --> linegroup --> algorithm set as broadcast and LG - Phone 
ext(9999) set CFA To Mobile number(XXXXX). Please let me know is there any 
alternate for apart from SNR ?
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