What kind of data do you need to report?

I usually do stuff like this using a python tool I wrote, called axlrows.
Here is an example:

>>> gen = get_phones(name="SEP700B4F9C44B8")
>>> phones = get_phones(name="SEP700B4F9C44B8")
>>> for phone in phones:
        print(phone.name, ":", phone.description)
SEP700B4F9C44B8 : Hunter Fuller (Cisco 8851 SIP) - Home

It looks like to match "every" phone, you could write

You can get the tool here, though it is admittedly poorly documented, so if
you need assistance, let me know off-list.


Hunter Fuller (they)
Router Jockey
VBH Annex B-5
+1 256 824 5331

Office of Information Technology
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Network Engineering

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 12:47 PM Louis Koekemoer (MEA) <
louis.koekem...@dimensiondata.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently upgraded my CUCM clusters to CUCM 12.5su3. I hit a bit of an
> issue. 2 bugs. 1 on exporting all devices or all UDP, all details and 2
> generating UDP reports or Phone reports. I need to do these on a weekly
> basis and I have 3 cluster with around 7000-1000 UDP per cluster and up to
> 33000 phones/devices per cluster. Now as per the below it breaks on around
> 700-800 devices. I logged a TAC case and this is what TAC identified.
> Firstly the customer is not happy with bleeding edge(Not released yet). I
> am not very clued up on API’s but is there possible a way I can either
> “export” all devices, all details via cli or with a API? I have a few more
> clusters to upgrade but all put on hold due to this.
> 1. https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvv67192
> *Symptom:*
> Export of Bulk Phones Job , stays in "Processing" State and does not
> "Completes"
> Export of Bulk UDP Job , stays in "Processing" State and does not
> "Completes"
> *Conditions:*
> Export fails if it's more than 520 phone records through Phone -> Export
> Phone/UDP -> All Details
> *Workaround:*
> 1. Export phones around 400 records through Phone -> Export Phone ->
> Specific Details
> 2. Export 800+ records through Import/Export -> Export operation.
> *The known fixed version is CCM.12.5(1.14900.42) but is going to be
> released in late February.*
> 2. https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvw44625
> *Symptom:*
> When customer submits bat job for (Bulk Administration --> Phones -->
> Generate Phone Reports) failed event can be observed from Job Scheduler
> page.
> Issue started after upgrading to CUCM 12.5 SU3
> *Conditions:*
> Generate Phone Report under Bulk Administration
> *Workaround:*
> While Generating the  Phone Report,
> Bulk Administration --> Phones --> Generate Phone Reports  after selecting
> mandatory fields,
> under IP Phone services fields two checkboxes are there for speed dial
> services and IP Phone services, if the user can checked those boxes and run
> the job Report will generate successfully
> *The known fixed version is CCM.12.5(1.14900.42) but is going to be
> released in late February.*
> [image: ddlogo]
> Louis Koekemoer (MEA)
> Engineer - IPT - L4
> * m. * +27 71 6808790 * t. * +27 11 5754317
> * email. * louis.koekem...@dimensiondata.com
> * dimensiondata.com <https://www.dimensiondata.com/> *
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