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From: cisco-voip <> On Behalf Of Lelio 
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 10:37 AM
To: Johnson, Tim <>; Adam Pawlowski <>;
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] [External] RE: Webex App Config XML?

Sounds like this should be added to the super secret list of things only your 
CSM can change for you.

Can you let us know how that goes? If the CSM changes it, are they changing the 
default to “off” and the user can change after? Or do they grey out the option?


From: cisco-voip 
On Behalf Of Johnson, Tim
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 10:21 AM
To: Adam Pawlowski <<>>;<>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] [External] RE: Webex App Config XML?

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the University of Guelph. Do not 
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I actually got a response back from my CSM and it sounds like these types of 
settings can be set on the back end, but through a provisioning ticket. My CSM 
is submitting a ticket to have the Ultrasound feature disabled. Whether that 
completely locks out the user from changing the setting, or provides 
flexibility, I don’t know but we don’t really have anyone using it with the 
handful of endpoints we have anyway.

I did try to use some of the Jabber parameters, but of course, that only 
functions when it is registered to CUCM. Correct, the EnableProximity parameter 
does not apply to Webex, from my testing.

From: Adam Pawlowski <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 10:05 AM
To: Johnson, Tim <<>>;<>
Subject: [External] RE: Webex App Config XML?

Hi Tim,

If it’s registered on premise, it will use the same mechanism to pull the 
configuration as Jabber, but it supports only a handful of parameters.

They’re listed here:

They were pretty adamant they were not going to let the application control be 
as granular this time, as some of the options paint the thing into a corner 
depending on how they’re used.

Proximity Enable isn’t listed as one of them unfortunately.

Adam Pawlowski
Network Engineer | Network and Communication Services
University at Buffalo Information Technology (UBIT)
243 Computing Center, Buffalo, NY 14260

From: cisco-voip 
On Behalf Of Johnson, Tim
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 5:02 PM
Subject: [cisco-voip] Webex App Config XML?

Hello all,

We just recently migrated to the Webex App and have found some annoyances with 
the settings that are default. Is there a way to customize the settings for the 
Webex app globally, similar to how you could setup a jabber-config.xml file? 
The thing we’re specifically looking for right now is how to disable the “Use 
ultrasound” option under Devices, but I imagine there will be more items we’d 
like to manipulate.

Tim Johnson
cisco-voip mailing list

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