As a devout member of the Cult of My Self Help Guru, I can only say that I
firmly believe that it is every bit as important to understand why you want
something as it is to set the goal to achieve it. It is far too easy to have
worked hard to achieve some state or some reward, and then, having attained
it, look around and say "is this all there is? Some of you have been the
beneficiaries / victims ( all depends upon the frame of mind, doesn't it? )
of  my distillation of  My Guru's teachings. It is of no importance that the
source of good advice is from this place or that. What is important is that
it is good advice.

Recently I posted some good advice, modified slightly in an effort to
provide a bit of amusement as well as serenity. My apologies to those who
took offense. It was not my intention to preach to you or to try to convert
you to one belief system or another. It was my intention to offer a bit of
perspective. Remove the belief specific references, and what remains is a
meditation of worth.

May I offer another? Have the courage to change what you can, the strength
to accept what you cannot, and the wisdom to tell the difference.

Best wishes to all of us who pursue the Prize


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