Greetings All

I currently have a ticket open with the cisco TAC on this , but it's been
open for over a week and they are just scratching their heads (or virtually
scratching their heads).

I have a lab environment. There are a number of routers in the lab, most
2500 series but also a couple of 4000s. The routers console ports are all
connected to terminal servers (two of them with the routers in the
equipment racks). These terminal servers are then on a network. There is
also a classroom with a mix of dumb terminals and PCs running terminal
emulators (hyperterminal). The dumb terminals and OCs are tied into a third
terminal server which is in the classroom. Students go from ther classroom
terminal server into the lab one and connect to the routers.

The problem is is that when they disconnect (using cntrl-shft-6 x) the
lines on the router end tend to stay busy. I can log into the lab terminalk
servers (either of them) and see that even though the student has
disconnected the line is still busy.

I can clear the lines (clear line #) or clear disconnect the session (disco
#) but the line just comes busy again. The only way to clear it is to
reboot the router. 

The intent was fro students to be able to access the console ports of many
different routers. It seems line when twe break the cxonnection on the lab
terminal server that the router is still trying to talk to it so it busies
the line ansd there is then no way to get in (other than a reboot).

I can't believe the terminal servers are supposed to work like this (which
is what the TAC is implying). You should be able to log into a router; log
out; then have someone different log in.

Isn't that the whole point of a terminal server?

I have swapped cables and terminals servers so I know that that is not the

Any Ideas?
Tom Pruneau 
Trainer Network Operations
3 Van de Graff Drive Burlington Ma. 01803
24 Hr. Network Operations Center 800-436-8489
If you need to get a hold of me my hours are 7AM-3PM ET Mon-Fri

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"Once in a while you get shown the light 
in the strangest of places if you look at it right"

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