I'm running a complete NMS software bundle with CW2000, CW5.0, Resouce
Manager Essential, IPM & MRTG.
I have a few serious problems

1. Clock on all the routers, NT logging syslog server are synched, when i
make a change in routers configuration an snmp msg/trap is recorded at my NT
machine which has an offest of 5 hrs. I've checked the timezones, all the
clocks, i've even treid to push the routers clock back, but same problem,
any checkpoints that i've missed ?

2. I have a few sites which cannot be configured with SNMP since the end
device is not a router, how can i keep track of the link availibility ? I've
set an instance in my IPM, it pings that site every 150 sec, gives me a
graph/response time but i cant seem to log/view the link failures.

3. Using this bundle of EXPENSIVE SOFTWARE (which i mentioned above) & the
SYSLOG Server/traps , how can i generate a report which can be easily read
by the topguns:), they simply wanna know which link which was down
today/this week/this month & for how many hrs ??? I've tried formattiing the
SYSLOG server reports accessible thru my Resource Manager Essential but its
the crappiest report generated by any 19th century S/W,,

cany anyone help me out here ???


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