At 12:02 PM 5/28/2003 +0000, Rohit Sundriyal wrote:
>Hi All
>I am facing very Strange Problem .My lan is behind Pix and for the last few
>weeks i am receiving some popup messages on my lan pc from internet even
>thought i am not browsing any site.Can anybudy tell how to block this kinda
>messages on pix ???

These are likely triggered by trojan apps on your pc.  Try grabbing 
software that scans your PC for these types of tools.  I use ad-aware 
myself if I recall correctly.

Also, when a pop up appears, you can always drop to the shell (assuming 
winx) and use netstat to see what connections you have active to get an 
idea where the pop up was coming from.


>For more information please visit
>(Software that is used for sending this kinda messages.)

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