At 05:24 PM 5/29/2003 +0000, Kazan, Naim wrote:
>I would appreciate your view and the group on which one you guys would
>prefer, Tag switching or Multicasting. We having been running into problems
>with doing multiple windows XP imaging that can only handle up to 8
>computers at a time. Multicast is enable at the layer 2 & 3 but still can't
>run more than 8 multicast sessions using Norton tool to accept clients for
>multicast. Once it receives the MAC address of the computer we send a
>session out to image about 8 computers. The number of computer will
>fluctuate doing more than 8 and sometimes only capable of doing no more than
>3. If we do more than that it freezes up at 25% completion rate of the
>image. We have over a thousand computers to upgrade to windows XP by mid to
>late June. Our network has 6500 serious switches along with 7507 core
>routers. The 6500 handle both layer2/3 functions. Any help will go a long
>way. Thank you in advance for everyone's input in this matter.

Sounds to me like you need a better multi-cast source vs changes in your 
network.  Where does tag switching fit into this?

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Howard C. Berkowitz
>Sent: 5/28/03 3:50 PM
>Subject: Re: Packet retransmit questiion [7:69715]
>At 6:46 PM +0000 5/28/03, Robert Perez wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I have a question on the CCIE 350-001 test.  I have heard differing
> >on this but when traffic crosses a WAN connection and there are
>problems who
> >does the retransmit?? Host or RTR??
> >
> >1.) In Frame relay there is a line hit or corrupt packet on the WAn,
> >retransmits, should be the source router correct?
> >
> >2.) In a point to point circuit w/HDLC there is a line hit or corrupt
> >who retransmits, should be the source router correct??
> >
> >3.) In a bridged environment with a WAN a T-1 takes a line hit or
> >packet who retrnasmits, should be the source host correct??
>In all cases, the host, if you are running IP protocols that even
>specify retransmission.  TCP does, but UDP does not. RPC over UDP
>The only exception where the router would retransmit would be if you
>are running X.25, LAP-B, SSCOP, or SDLC.

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