1.Can the sender send more than the window size? 

No a sender can not send more than the window size

e.g if we have  two hosts A and B and B's advertised window size is 32kb.
Upon the first tcp connection A(sender) can send up to the maximum window
sise(segments) and it then has to wait for an acknowledgement from B that
all the data was received or not

2.Can receiver send ack before whole window comes in?

Yes it can send an acknowledgement on what is received.

I will try and explain this better as far as my knowledge permits me.

When a sender sends a segment to a receiver the first time the receiver
expects that the data being received equals the max window size. But for
instance if we assume that due to rtt values(congestion) or some sort of
assymetric routing or if the data was just lost, the receiver B will then
send an acknowledgemnet saying I only received 16kb worth of data which
indicates to the sender A that I can only send another 16kb worth of
data(window size). This is TCP's flow control mechanism

come to think of the answer to this question is not that straight forward.

Maybe someone else can elaborate more


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