Title: Health Checklist !!!

These are some of the ideal counters for cisco routers network checks regarding the health of the network,

No shared ethernet segments are saturated > 40 % network utilization.
No shared Token Ring segments are saturated > 70 % utilization.
No Wan links are saturated more than 70 % utilization.
The response time is generally less than milisecond 1/10 of second.
No segments 20% broadcasts/multicasts.
No segments have more than one CRC per million bytes of data.
On Ethernet segment less than 0.1 percent of packets result in collision.
Input queue drops not exceeding 50 in an hour.
Out put queue drops not exceeding 100 in an hour.

        A question comes to my mind is that Are all this counters, applicable to the real world scenarios or test labs ideal setups only.  We are here in Saudi Arabia, where usually the dedicated digital lines are having lots of noises and interference, the usual counters on our routers, are having lots of CRC's, lots of input, output errors, lot of collision on the Ethernet ports, response time changes rapidly, the links flap very often,  I mean to say we are working in non-ideal working condition, do these counters have a meaning to us,  do we have to set our own guidelines measures, based on monitoring results since last year. Do Cisco tests their equipments in severe conditions which are far more worse than conditions in US typically. Or does Cisco has some special recommendations for these environments.

 Pls. give your inputs based on your experiences on different mysteries Telephone networks.

Shaikh Raees Ahmed,
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer,
Systems & Network,
IT Division.

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