Title: CIT/Support 2.0 Exam and Boson Tests
After rereading my post, I think I might have given the impression Test 1 isn't of value.  I am finding questions there that aren't in Test 2 -- in short, I think its a worthwhile test.  I still believe Test 2 is superior because of better questions and in references.  If I had it to do over again, I'd still purchase Test 1.  I don't see me purchasing Test 3 (I don't know anything about it, but don't want to spend another $30 and feel the two tests will be sufficient). 
""Pickett, Mike"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

Hey guys,

Just checking to see with the recent rash of people that have passed this test, if you used boson at all, if you thought test 1, 2, 3 was most similar to the cisco exam


Mike Pickett
Enterprise Network Consultant
Pager: 800-724-3624
Pin:  1684328

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