Thanks Jay,

Remember the size of this list makes it very unmanagable and just increases
the probablility of an Out-of-Office reply.  The group was originally
designed using a simple majordomo mailing list.  But quickly became too big
for the software and now uses majordomo on top of a bunch of patches and
other scripts.  In fact the program that was causing us the problem was
something called "BulkMailer".  Bulk mailer takes a message and splits it up
in to smaller delivery groups, so message deliver is in parallel.  Without
this program it takes about 12 hours for a message to be delivered to the
last person on the list.  Now it takes under an hour.  But unfortunitely the
writer of BulkMailer does not like the precedence: line and filtered it out.

The associates list is available through the web, newsfeed, and mailing
list.  The problem is how do we coordinate the treading between the web and
newsfeed?  The original solution was to append the thread number and message
number to the subject header of the message.  This works great for the web,
but kills threading on many newsfeed readers.  So, now we can have threading
on the web or newsfeed but not both.  Any suggestions?  I have been playing
around with the e-mail headers trying to create a header that would be sent
back unaltered with the thread information.  So far, with initial testing,
Outlook Express seems to remove any reference to my Bogus headers.

If anyone has any suggestions....


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Hennigan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: Precedence: Bulk and a fix for vactions autoresponders

> On 26 Sep 2000 17:24:41 -0400, Paul  Borghese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :Jennifer Joy sent me a suggestion that I include the "Precedence: bulk"
> :header in the e-mail messages that go out from this list.  Apparently the
> :vacation program uses the Precedence to determine if it should send an
> :auto-reply back.  So maybe this will cut down on the amount of "Out of
> :Office" messages we receive every time a post is made to the list.
> It's gone way down.
> Curiously, I'm on a number of technical mailing lists and the ones
> with the worst "out-of-office" noise are this one and cisco-spot!
> I've gone to the Usenet feed for the main liat, and that helps as well,
> a bit easier than procmail when things get cranking around here.
> Paul, if you catch this, threading on the Usenet side of the associate
> list doesn't seem to be working, perhaps to the bracketed material
> appended to the subject line.  I occasionally scan that list to help
> out some of the newcomers.   Threading on this list is fine.
> --
> Jay Hennigan  -  Network Administration  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> NetLojix Communications, Inc.  NASDAQ: NETX  -
> WestNet:  Connecting you to the planet.  805 884-6323
> **NOTE: New CCNA/CCDA List has been formed. For more information go to
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