Certification Zone ( www.certificationzone.com ), known for its topic matter
white papers and practice labs, is now selling the CD2000, a compendium of
practice tests for the CCIE and CCNA certifications.

As the CD was released with time to spare before my CCIE written exam, I was
able to incorporate it into my routine. Here are some of my thoughts:

1) the application has CCNA and CCIE sections.

2) One can choose from the "study" zone, and the "exam" zone for each. The
exam zone is a simulated test, with an appropriate number of questions, and
an appropriate time limit for completion

3) The study zone is broken in topics, of a number of questions each. I
found myself using this feature a lot. For example, if I wanted to review
routing protocols, I would just select the routing protocol section, and
work on the questions contained.

4) The material seems to be from past Certification Zone tests and white

5) It was very nice to be able to take as many practice tests as I wanted.

6) Oh yes - installation is a breeze. My only gripe is there seems to be no
way to make full screen the default setup.

There are a few negatives. 600 practice questions sounds like a lot, until
you've popped up your fifth practice exam, and you have seen a lot of
overlap. One begins to wonder if the scores are more the result of having
seen the question before rather than having learned anything. Let's put it
this way - I don't think I passed any of the Cert Zone tests. I passed the
real thing with miles to spare.

Howard Berkowitz can be something of an acquired taste. I myself have
acquired it, but it can be a bit off beat. For example, I would get very
hungry while studying network diagrams in which all the devices are named
after cheeses, spices, and savories. :->

Also, as those of you who have been around here a while can attest, the
Berkowitz method demands full understanding of how things behave. As a
result, his tests can be very frustrating, delving far deeper into things
than one might expect, or even think necessary. The tests are far far more
difficult than the actual test that I saw.

And there is the usual error or two.

That said, I would say that for the price charged, this can be a very good
source of study material. The practice tests will certainly challenge you.
It is good training for developing the thought process you will need to pass
the real thing.

Check the web page for pricing. Certification Zone members pay less than non
members. There is an introductory membership offer for buyers. Check it out
and see if this tool is suitable for your own study plan.

( disclosure - in the past I have been compensated by Certification Zone for
services rendered. However, I receive no consideration for saying nice
things about the CD )

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