
I need a way to set the proxy setting on over 1200 user 
machines. I need to define this setting by IP address.  
Right now I am using Kixtart but with all the subnets we 
have this will get out of hand quick.  I have included a 
piece from my script to show what I am talking about.

So basically, if a user logs in at, I need 
something that will look as they log in using NT\2000 
server and change there browser to point at a Firebox\Net 
cache box in there subnet. All client machines are NT\98
\2000 pro.   If they happen to go home with the laptop we 
provide or go on the road, I need the setting removed as 
not to burden our Helpdesk.  The only constant I can think 
of it the IP address to identify there location.

The KIX Script that is about a block long.
CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"

  CASE  INSTR(@IPADDRESS0, " 10. 60. 193.") <> 0

Thanks a ton


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