Hmmm, I would prefer the question to read:

(Q) At what speed does a T-1 run over DS-1?

But don't take my word for it...Here is an EXCELLENT T1/DS1 tutorial.
Bookmark this one...because there are very few T1 explainations that
actually talk about the F-bit & S-bit.  He (Bob W.) does an excellent job
breaking down the DS1 Signal levels (Pulse/LBO/etc), etc

     The designation "DS" in Figure 3 refers 
     to "Digital Signals" and describes the 
     physical layer. The designation "T" refers
     to the type of carrier that is being used. 
     Often these are used interchangeably but 
     that technically is not correct.
     When someone says they are running T1, they 
     may be saying several different things: They 
     may mean that they have a network that is 
     passing data at 1.544 Mbps; they may mean 
     that they have a network that conforms to 
     the T1 electrical interface specification 
     (DSX-1), or that they have a network that 
     passes data that conforms to one of the 
     several framing formats (D4, ESF, etc.). 
     More likely than not, they mean all three 
     but their concentration may be on only one 
     of these items. The confusion in the user 
     community is a result of the inter-
     changeability of words and the confusing 
     requirements for connection to the AT&T 

....ahhh the memories...just glad you didn't ask about E&M signalling ;-)

an old telco junkie

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 1:02 PM
Subject: T-1 Vs DS-1

  Pick the right answer here

  Q.) At what speed does a DS-1 run over T-1?

  a.) 1.536 MB    b.) 1.544 MB


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