It will run a self-test every time you reboot the router and you can view the results with a "show service-module" command. Here's the output from mine (the salient line is surrounded by asterisks that I added):
Bravo#sho service-module
Module type is T1/fractional
    Hardware revision is 0.80, Software revision is 1.07,
    Image checksum is 0x8510A6B6, Protocol revision is 0.1
Receiver has no alarms.
Framing is ESF, Line Code is B8ZS, Current clock source is line,
Fraction has 24 timeslots (64 Kbits/sec each), Net bandwidth is 1536 Kbits/s
*****Last module self-test (done at startup): Passed*****
Last clearing of alarm counters 5d16h
    loss of signal        :    0,
    loss of frame         :    0,
    AIS alarm             :    0,
    Remote alarm          :    1, last occurred 5d16h
    Module access errors  :    0,
Total Data (last 96 15 minute intervals):
    0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs
Data in current interval (262 seconds elapsed):
    0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs
-----Original Message-----
From: Raul Fernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 3:28 PM
To: 'Cisco group study'
Subject: Serial Inteface w/ builtin CSU/DSU question

Dear Group,
Are there any built in test in CISCO routers with built in CSU/DSU that will let you test the CSU/DSU? I know about loop back test ect and debuging the serial interface itself but I am looking for commands that test the internal CSU/DUS specifically. Thank you for time.

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