Here's a strange one... maybe someone can shed some light...

My home setup:

Access Layer: 2505
Distro Layer: 2501
Core Layer: Netgear RT314 (DSL Router)

Workstations on 8 port hub (built into the 2505)
Access to Distro: Frame Relay
Distro to Core (LAN side): Ethernet
Core to Cloud (WAN side): Seimans DSL Modem

I don't know alot about the telecom side of DSL but my ISP knows who I am
based on my login, I do not get authenticated when checking mail or news.

If I enable IGRP on the Cisco routers (The netgear is RIP only) then I get a
message saying that I am not authorized to access the mail or news server on
the ISP side. When I disable IGRP all is fine.

Any thoughts?



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