>      I am currently a MCSE/CCNA and I am finishing up my AA degree at the
>local junior college, and looking to start my 3rd year in the fall.  Are
>there any colleges that offer a Bachelor's degree in networking?  I have
>visited several college websites and it seems that they all offer just
>Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or Management Information Systems
>degrees. After reviewing the individual coarse outlines, there appears to be
>very few classes relating to networking.  If anyone can offer there advise
>on this issue, I would greatly appreciate it!

I have seen telecommunications management courses at the master's 
level, and networking concentrations in all the programs you mention. 
But if I might try to read between the lines of your post, let me 
offer some observations about relevance.

Being good in networking means lifelong study.  While you may not see 
specific networking references in some of the course descriptions, 
many of the courses cover subjects that will equip you to learn and 
continue to learn, at a level beyond relying on vendor manuals. 
Don't get me wrong -- it is possible to learn  this sort of theory on 
your own. I did, but courses weren't available at the time I entered 
the field.

Most computer science programs have a course in operating system 
design at the sophomore or junior level.  Without understanding how 
operating systems work, you won't ever really understand how buffers 
are managed, how interrupts affect processor throughput, why 
different amounts of memory are required, etc.

Typically, there will be a course called something like "discrete 
mathematical structures."  You may have gotten information on finite 
state machines in a programming course, but you need to refine finite 
state machine/automata theory if you are ever going to feel 
comfortable picking up a protocol RFC and understanding the 
definitions. Such a course also will give an introduction to 
information theory and coding algorithms, which underlie compression, 
modulation, and error detection and correction.

In the more MIS courses, you are going to get some business analysis 
techniques that can be important in understanding customer 
requirements.  I slept through economics 101 -- literally, I 
overslept the final and flunked the course -- but I've had to go back 
and study economics to be able to give the best solution 
recommendation to clients, such as the tradeoffs between acquisition 
cost and life cycle cost.

Statistics courses are a strong foundation to performance measurement 
and capacity planning.  Unfortunately, many academic programs spend 
too much time on mathematical analysis ("calculus"), and not enough 
on the things you really use, such as statistics, operations 
research, and the oddly named abstract algebra.  (Yes,  I recognize 
analysis underlies statistics.   But in the real world, a network 
engineer needs to recognize and use such things as probability 
distribution functions, not derive them.  My attitude there is 
"yup...that derivation involves an incomplete gamma function. I'll 
leave it alone if it will leave me alone."  Really understanding the 
derivations is more of a matter for graduate programs in mathematics.)

Programming language and software development courses, even if you 
don't program routinely, will give you insight into software 
maintenance.  Again, even if you aren't looking for a job as a 
programmer, really decent system/network admins will write programs 
as tools.

What would you think of as pure "networking" courses?  I don't think 
of router configuration as an advanced academic subject.  No question 
that there are lots of networking computer science programs, but they 
tend to be more at the master's level.

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