This is a wild guess, but perhaps you have some assymetrical routing
problems.  By that I mean that after the upgrade the AS400 might be
"routing" differently than it was before.  If it has two connections to
the network, maybe it is using the wrong one for return traffic to the
NT server.  From the NT server's point of view it would be seeing return
traffic from the wrong IP address and would not be able to establish a
tcp connection.

That's just a guess, but it's something worth looking into.


>>> "Gayathri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/27/01 5:40:30 AM >>>

I have a strange problem here. WE upgraded our AS400 system. The AS 400
equipped with a fddi card and a fast ethernet card both on 2 different

When I try to connect from my NT server to the AS400 the session keeps
timing out. This problem occured only after the upgradation.

out of 34 branches ( this is a banking environment) only 3 servers can

When i try to sniff at the nt server, the output shows that there is a
from the nt server and RST from AS400.

IBM guys are here, but we dont seem to get across a solution.

The NT server are running service pack 3.

Is this related to any session time out ??

If anybody has come across a similar problem please share your ideas.
seem to decide whether at all this is a network problem


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