I connected one 2620 and one 2511 by AUX back to back without any problem.
Maybe you should consider the following:
What cable are you using? I'm using a Cisco console cable (rollover, black).
Try lowering the line speed. I'm using the default speed 9600, low but works
Try the "clear line" command to reset the line.

Here's my router configuration.
interface Async65
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 async default routing
 async dynamic routing
 async mode dedicated
line aux 0
 modem InOut
 transport input all
 flowcontrol hardware

interface Async17
 ip address
 encapsulation ppp
 async default routing
 async dynamic routing
 async mode dedicated
line aux 0
 modem InOut
 transport input all
 flowcontrol hardware

""NRF""  wrote in message
> So I'm trying to connect the AUX ports of 2 2610's back to back.  I am
> following a known procedure on CCO where you can connect 2500's AUX ports
> back to back.
> http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/793/access_dial/auxback.html
> So I follow exactly what they do.  But it doesn't work.  Maybe the problem
> is that 2600's don't do back2back aux ports (the CCO example was for
> 2500's).  But that doesn't make much sense, because why not?  Anyway, has
> anybody ever gotten AUX 2600's (or any router for that matter) to connect
> back to back?
> For example, here is the Async config on one of the 2610's.
> interface Async65
>  ip address
>  no ip directed-broadcast
>  encapsulation ppp
>  async dynamic routing
>  async mode dedicated
> Here is the aux line config:
> ine aux 0
>  modem InOut
>  transport input all
>  speed 38400
>  flowcontrol hardware
> So I believe that everything is good, it's exactly like the CCO config.
> Yet, the async interface just keeps bouncing up and down.  For example:
> r1#
> 1d19h: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async65, changed state to reset
> r1#
> 1d19h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async65, changed state to up
> r1#
> 1d19h: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async65, changed state to reset
> Here's what happens when I debug async packet
> r1#debug async packet
> Async packet I/O debugging is on
> r1#
> 1d19h: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async65, changed state to reset
> r1#
> 1d19h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async65, changed state to up
> r1#
> 1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
> 1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
> 1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
> r1#
> 1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
> 1d19h: APPP65: Input packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
> 1d19h: APPP65: Output packet, len = 24, header = FF 3 C0 21
> r1#
> Here's what happens when I debug async framing
> r1#debug async framing
> Async interface framing debugging is on
> r1#
> 1d19h: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async65, changed state to reset
> r1#
> 1d19h: Async65: Reset PPP framing on TTY65
> r1#
> 1d19h: Async65: Setup PPP framing on TTY65
> 1d19h: As65 PPP: Processed packet cached during autoselect
> r1#
> 1d19h: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async65, changed state to up
> r1#
> 1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
> r1#
> 1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
> r1#
> 1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
> r1#
> 1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
> r1#
> 1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
> r1#
> 1d19h: As65: Enabling PPP framing in UART Microcode on TTY65
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