Ahh, don't we all get those wonderfully exorbitant design requirements
with multiple tiers of redundancy and so very often a budget to barely
implement the base network with no redundancy?  Management always expect
the network and design guys to come up with some "hoodoo" design for a
kickass network that will never fail.  I'm in a similar situation right
now.  I see all the fanciful notions of 5 nines reliability slowly
getting thrown out one by one because of budget constraints.

Vijay Ramcharan

-----Original Message-----
Stephen Skinner
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: backup plan for a campus [7:7052]

yes they did cut my budget.....yes i told them it was a bad idea ....and
yes they made me do it ..... all it took was a UPS brownout to show them
i was right.....for my troubles 
.. i was blamed by the customer and shunned by my employer...

all in all a good days work......

steve (once buggered twice shy)

>From: "Carroll Kong"
>Reply-To: "Carroll Kong" 
>Subject: Re: backup plan for a campus [7:7052]
>Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 09:56:28 -0400
>At 09:33 AM 6/4/01 -0400, Stephen Skinner wrote:
> >once apon a time there was a man who was given a spec to build a 
> >network with full redundency.......the spec he put togother cost WAY 
> >to much and need severly cutting down.......he told them not to do it

> >but they
> >him to .........so he did it ....the network fell over and the 
> >company
> >for designing a crap network .......who got the blame......the man 
> >with
> >NAME on the design doc.........
> >
> >
> >have fun
> >
> >steve
>1)  I am confused.  So, if the man who built the "over priced" network 
>made a fully redundant network, and it still failed, did he not fail 
>his job miserably?
>2)  Or did you mean, they cut his budget, and STILL told him to make 
>the fully redundant network, despite his warnings?
>I am going to assume #2, since #1 does not make sense.
>-Carroll Kong
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