Resend following the list crash - apologies for any duplicates

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ElephantChild 
To: Andy Low 
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 09:58:33 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: unknown Traffic [7:7129]
Organization: (noun) 1. the act or process of organizing. 2. the state
              of being organized. 3. a body of persons acting together
              for some purpose.

On Mon, 4 Jun 2001, Andy Low wrote:

> Hi,
> Hope somebody can enlighten me.
> I got this router 2 uplinks and 1 connected to my LAN. When I performed "sh
> int" on the respective interfaces, this was the result:
> Uplink 1:
>   5 minute input rate 501000 bits/sec, 373 packets/sec
>   5 minute output rate 1748000 bits/sec, 330 packets/sec
> Uplink 2:
>   5 minute input rate 749000 bits/sec, 735 packets/sec
>   5 minute output rate 23912000 bits/sec, 2762 packets/sec
> LAN interface:
>   5 minute input rate 36780000 bits/sec, 4011 packets/sec
>   5 minute output rate 13476000 bits/sec, 2096 packets/sec
> Can someone explain to me why when 36M of traffic went into my LAN
> (input), only less than 26M were threw out to the Uplinks (output)

Hard to say whether that explains it without knowing how packet sizes
are distributed on your network, but remember that typically, LAN (level
2) protocols have much larger headers than WAN level 2 protocols. 

Another possible explanation is that packets going into an interface get
out of that same interface. Total input rate is 38030000 bps, vs a total
output rate of 39136000 bps, which is much closer (about 2.5% vs 33%),
and even more so when you look at packet rates (5119 pps input vs. 5188
pps output, which are within 1.5% of each other). Does that suggest

"Someone approached me and asked me to teach a javascript course. I was
about to decline, saying that my complete ignorance of the subject made
me unsuitable, then I thought again, that maybe it doesn't, as driving
people away from it is a desirable outcome." --Me

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